
Magdala: first results.

Within the end of February the results about the researches carried on the unguentaria found in the archaeological site in 2008 will be pulished.

Signum Sancti Sergii de Trigesto

The X-Radiography experiments carried out on the artefact confirm its ancient origin. The analysis show that the object has not joints made by welding and that it was hammer-worked.


Created by Dieter Schneider 2007





Thanks to the support and scientific collaboration with the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Jerusalem, in July 2008 samplings of the content of unguentaria, found near the archaeological site of Magdala on the lake of Tiberiade (IL), have been sampled. The recoveries go up to the I and IV sec. d.C.

Our preliminary analysis on a sample of the most ancient period, discovered in 2007, has underlined the presence of traces of a derivative of tridecanol, a compound anciently extracted by grape seeds and characterized by a typical rose flavour.

Further investigations are in progress and other unguentaria has been found again in the last months. These can allow us a best characterization of the balsamaris’ content.


The archaeological aspect

The archaeological area, property of the Franciscan Care in The Holy Land, in the Magdala village has a zone, which was considered edificable in the new town plan. For this reason the Franciscan Custody, with the patronage of the SBF, has decided to renew his cares to the holy place proceeding to the restoration of structures unearthed during previous archaeological excavating expeditions and starting new archaeological research.