
Magdala: first results.

Within the end of February the results about the researches carried on the unguentaria found in the archaeological site in 2008 will be pulished.

Signum Sancti Sergii de Trigesto

The X-Radiography experiments carried out on the artefact confirm its ancient origin. The analysis show that the object has not joints made by welding and that it was hammer-worked.


Created by Dieter Schneider 2007



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From the beginning, our group has given an archaeometric approach to his research, focusing with a particular attention on all the different scientific fields that might be involved in the research. In fact, archaeometric research covers a great number of scientific areas. It is truly interdisciplinary, starting from precise questions in the field of archaeology, art history and conservation that cannot be solved without the help of chemistry.

Thus we have established a collaboration with Studium Biblicum Franciscanum’ s archaelogists, responsible of the Franciscan Care in The Holy Land; with historians afferent to the Department of Geografical and Historical Sciences of the University of Trieste, with physicians of  the Jožef Stefan Institute of Lubiana and  with many other spectroscopic research unities.


Magdala's scent


San Sergio's legendary "alabarda"



Pottery in Roman Galileae